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Book appointment -
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Location *
(No selection)
Deutschstraße 10, 1230 Wien
Gewerbeallee 2, 4221 Steyregg, Oberösterreich
Please fill in this field.
Vehicle *
(No selection)
Passenger car
Light truck less than 3,5t
Passenger car
Please fill in this field.
Service type *
(No selection)
Inspection: Change of wheel-tyre combination (only inspection without registration)
Inspection: Body lowering (only inspection without registration)
Inspection: Body lowering and wheel-tyre comb. (only inspection without registration)
Inspection: Body lowering, wheel-tyre comb. and body attachments (only inspection without reg.)
Inspection: Body attachments (only inspection without registration)
§57a Pickerl-check for cars/trucks up to 3,5t
§57a Pickerl-check + LPG (gas) for cars/trucks up to 3,5t
Inspection: LPG/gas conversion (only inspection without registration)
§57a inspection
§57a inspection + LPG recurring
LPG conversion recurring
§57a inspection brakeless trailer
§57a inspection braked trailer below 3,5t
Trailer inspection
Motorhome inspection
§57a inspection
Motorcycle modification
§57a inspection motorcycle
Oldtimer expert value assessment
Please fill in this field.
Vehicle brand *
Vehicle type *
Provider *
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Reminder by *
Date *
Available slots *
(Please choose date first)
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Please note:
Cancellation fees will apply if you do not show up for a booked appointment.
Please have the type certificate with you. An inspection is not possible without it.
You don't find the desired service? Not all of our services can be booked online. Please don't hesitate to contact us for personal service.
In case of any questions please contact us at
+43 (0)504 54 - 1200
You can download our pricelist
Your contact information -
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Salutation *
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First name *
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Last name *
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E-Mail address *
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Phone *
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